What Can I Do?
1. Action Alert - BOYCOTT Foreign Farmed Salmon
Foreign companies use American menhaden as cheap protein for their Atlantic salmon farms. Then they dump salmon filets on the American market, destroying the viability of the sustainable American wild-caught salmon industry based in Alaska and the Northwest.
The industrial menhaden fisheries on the Gulf and Mid-Atlantic Coast deprive marine eco-systems the abundance of their number one source of protein, menhaden. This impacts the success of both commercial and recreational fishing interests in the United States.
The States of Virginia, Louisiana and Mississippi allow the practice of industrial menhaden fishing to almost no benefit to the American people. The companies pay pennies for the privilege of strip mining our coastal waters. They do pay hefty donations to the governors and other individual legislators in those states to keep their industry thriving.
The industrial menhaden fisheries on the Gulf and Mid-Atlantic Coast deprive marine eco-systems the abundance of their number one source of protein, menhaden. This impacts the success of both commercial and recreational fishing interests in the United States.
The States of Virginia, Louisiana and Mississippi allow the practice of industrial menhaden fishing to almost no benefit to the American people. The companies pay pennies for the privilege of strip mining our coastal waters. They do pay hefty donations to the governors and other individual legislators in those states to keep their industry thriving.
2. Action Alert - Watch the 30-minute documentary "The Biggest Little Fish You've Never Seen - Menhaden". Then share it!
Watch William McKeever's powerful menhaden documentary to learn all about the issue. Then SHARE it with friends, family, associates, groups, reporters, and especially politicians and regulators.
Watch it here - https://vimeo.com/969405454
Watch it here - https://vimeo.com/969405454
3. Action Alert - Send a personal letter to each the two U.S. Senators in your state asking them to "Ban reduction fishing in American Waters".
Ban reduction fishing products derived from U.S. Waters.
Pass Federal legislation ending the profitability of reduction fishing in America.
Reduction Fishing Exclusion Act:
“Ban the sale or exportation of any raw material or product derived from reduction fishing in the Waters of the United States.”
Find your Senators here: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm
Pass Federal legislation ending the profitability of reduction fishing in America.
Reduction Fishing Exclusion Act:
“Ban the sale or exportation of any raw material or product derived from reduction fishing in the Waters of the United States.”
Find your Senators here: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm
4. Action Alert - Contact Governors Youngkin & Landry
We need everyone to call or email Governors Youngkin and Landry. Let our voices be heard on the menhaden issue. Ask them to place tighter restrictions on Menhaden Reduction Fishing.
Call Virginia Governor Youngkin at 804-786-2211 and also send a message on the Governors online contact form: https://www.governor.virginia.gov/communicating-with-the-governors-office/
Call Louisiana Governor Landry at 225-342-0991 and also send a message on the Governors' online contact form: https://gov.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/form/home/4
Call Virginia Governor Youngkin at 804-786-2211 and also send a message on the Governors online contact form: https://www.governor.virginia.gov/communicating-with-the-governors-office/
Call Louisiana Governor Landry at 225-342-0991 and also send a message on the Governors' online contact form: https://gov.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/form/home/4
5. Action Alert - Support the VMRC Lawsuit by CLA
On May 10th, 2023, Chesapeake Legal Alliance filed a petition on behalf of our client, the Southern Maryland Recreational Fishing Organization, challenging Virginia’s Marine Resource Commission’s (VMRC) March 2023 decision to continue overharvesting of the menhaden fishery via reduction fishing.
Learn more about the lawsuit at these links:
Consider DONATING to the non-profit Chesapeake Legal Alliance so they can continue this pro-bono effort. Write VMRC Menhaden Case in the additional notes section of the contribution form.
Learn more about the lawsuit at these links:
Consider DONATING to the non-profit Chesapeake Legal Alliance so they can continue this pro-bono effort. Write VMRC Menhaden Case in the additional notes section of the contribution form.
A continuing list of calls-to-action and links to more information, research and event dates are coming. In the meantime, here are five more things you can easily do right now:
Trailer from the documentary: "Menhaden, the biggest little fish you've never seen"
Menhaden-TBLFYNS_TRAILER 2 MINS.mp4 from Wmckeever on Vimeo.
Excerpt from the documentary Mission Blue.
Watch a 5-minute excerpt on menhaden from the Emmy Award winning Netflix documentary "Mission Blue" by renowned oceanographer, Sylvia Earle, PhD. Watch her literally swim with the menhaden as they are being taken by a reduction vessel.
Watch here: Mission Blue: Menhaden Excerpt
Watch a 5-minute excerpt on menhaden from the Emmy Award winning Netflix documentary "Mission Blue" by renowned oceanographer, Sylvia Earle, PhD. Watch her literally swim with the menhaden as they are being taken by a reduction vessel.
Watch here: Mission Blue: Menhaden Excerpt
News Report by WFXR FOX in Roanoke, Virginia on Osprey Decline.
Research done at the College of William and Mary shows a steep decline in osprey reproduction in Mobjack Bay on the Chesapeake Bay. The research blames an increasing scarcity of Atlantic menhaden as the reason for the decline.
Research done at the College of William and Mary shows a steep decline in osprey reproduction in Mobjack Bay on the Chesapeake Bay. The research blames an increasing scarcity of Atlantic menhaden as the reason for the decline.
Read these two articles on the Atlantic and Gulf fisheries to get an overview of the issue:
Then google "menhaden reduction fishing" to learn even more.
Tell your friends, family and co-workers about reduction fishing. The reason this industry still exists, and politicians remain quiet is because few people know it even goes on.
If you belong to an organization, group, association, church or company that might be concerned about this issue, approach your leadership and see if they want to learn more.
If you are on social media, share your opinion. Like, dislike, comment on and share posts you see related to menhaden. Remember to be civil and factual. Negative comments can be good, especially on a foes feed, but be smart, and be correct in your statements.
If you live in Virginia, Louisiana or Mississippi, ask your elected state officials, your Governor, and your Federal level Senators and Congressional Representatives where they stand on the issue. We need them to be on record as to which side of the fight they are on. If they have never heard of it, tell them what you know. If you live in another state, ask your Federally elected officials and your Governors. This is a battle being fought at both the state level in Virginia, Louisiana and Mississippi, and the Federal Level. https://www.saveourmenhaden.org/government-contacts.html
If you live in Maryland, be loud. Your half of the Chesapeake Bay is suffering because of our stupidity in Virginia.
If you are ready to get in this fight, join the private Facebook group "Menhaden, Little Fish, Big Deal". It's free and easy, there are no dues or donations. Numbers count, we need you to help grow the ranks. We look forward to meeting you.
More information is on the way! Stay tuned. Follow the Facebook page "Save Our Menhaden".
Read these two articles on the Atlantic and Gulf fisheries to get an overview of the issue:
Then google "menhaden reduction fishing" to learn even more.
Tell your friends, family and co-workers about reduction fishing. The reason this industry still exists, and politicians remain quiet is because few people know it even goes on.
If you belong to an organization, group, association, church or company that might be concerned about this issue, approach your leadership and see if they want to learn more.
If you are on social media, share your opinion. Like, dislike, comment on and share posts you see related to menhaden. Remember to be civil and factual. Negative comments can be good, especially on a foes feed, but be smart, and be correct in your statements.
If you live in Virginia, Louisiana or Mississippi, ask your elected state officials, your Governor, and your Federal level Senators and Congressional Representatives where they stand on the issue. We need them to be on record as to which side of the fight they are on. If they have never heard of it, tell them what you know. If you live in another state, ask your Federally elected officials and your Governors. This is a battle being fought at both the state level in Virginia, Louisiana and Mississippi, and the Federal Level. https://www.saveourmenhaden.org/government-contacts.html
If you live in Maryland, be loud. Your half of the Chesapeake Bay is suffering because of our stupidity in Virginia.
If you are ready to get in this fight, join the private Facebook group "Menhaden, Little Fish, Big Deal". It's free and easy, there are no dues or donations. Numbers count, we need you to help grow the ranks. We look forward to meeting you.
More information is on the way! Stay tuned. Follow the Facebook page "Save Our Menhaden".